Sunday, February 26, 2012

Kitchen Technique: Cleaning Jumbo Squid

~In Korean cuisine, jumbo squid is used quite often. For convenience' sake, there are always frozen mixed seafood, however much of the seafood flavor is lost. Not to mention you'd miss out on the fun of dismembering something.

  1. Rinse the squid in cold water, lay it flat on cutting board
  2. Make an incision lengthwise down the body (not tentacles) of the squid (see diagram). You will need to either hold up the squid so you can slice down one side of the body, or else cut with kitchen scissors. Be careful not to poke thru the ink sac, otherwise you'll have a mess on your hands
  3. Lay everything out flat, put out the spine and all three sacs (ink sac in the middle is connected to the eyes and tentacles. 2 sacs on either side should also be removed). Rinse and set aside
  4. Cut the tentacle part slightly down from the eyes (see diagram). Throw away the ink sac, rinse the tentacles, drain.
  5. Cut tentacles in 2" pieces, place in bowl
  6. Lay body of squid flat on cutting board. Make diagonal superficial slices across. Repeat from other diagonal. You don't want to slice thru the skin, just to pierce the skin across. Now slice in vertical strips.
  7. Rinse in a large bowl of cold water. Drain and pat dry. If not for immediate use, store in freezer safe bag.

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