Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Rum & Coke Roasted Pork

~Yes, I am a Rum & Coke girl. However, once the husband and kids came along, I had to find some way of using up all this alcohol around my house. I like adding cola into these types of marinades because the cola helps to break down and tenderize the meat. It also adds a sugary element which will help the meat caramelize as it cooks. 

*photo credit goes to Ms. T, who not only helps run my unofficial test kitchen, but has an awesome blog devoted to make-up and good eats. Don't know how I managed to do without her for so long. 

Ingredients (in addition to marinade):
3lbs boneless Country-style pork ribs
½ cup BBQ sauce
½ can cola
½ cup rum (I prefer Captain Morgan's Spiced Rum)
fresh ground pepper
baking soda

½ can cola
2 tbsp liquid smoke
1 cup BBQ sauce

Prep 1 day ahead:

  1. in a medium bowl, douse pork liberally with baking soda, making sure all surfaces are covered. set aside for 30min.
  2. rinse pork off thoroughly in cold water.
  3. in a clean bowl, liberally salt all sides of pork
  4. spread cayenne & pepper over surface of pork evenly
  5. pour marinade over pork and make sure it is immersed.
  6. cover and marinate overnight.

  1. preheat oven to 400.
  2. place pork on aluminum foil covered pan, pour marinade over pork
  3. roast for 30min
  4. slice open the thickest part of meat of all sections of pork. If it is still fairly pink, slide it back into the oven for a few more minutes. If white or just a little pink, flip the pork over and cover surface of pork with ½ cup of BBQ sauce.
  5. pour ½ can of cola and rum over the blackened parts of foil surrounding pork (this will make an au jus of sorts)
  6. set oven on broil for 5min
  7. remove from oven and serve.


  1. hi amy..
    can i substitute Country-style pork ribs for baby back ribs? also, what bbq sauce do you recommend? there are tons out there and they all taste quite different to me.

    thanks! i've always enjoyed your recipes! glad you're back again. :)

  2. Hi Helen,

    The country-style pork ribs are actually cheaper. They're basically a big chunk of meat that's close by the ribs, but doesn't actually have a rib attached. Baby back ribs involve a bit more work since it takes a while to tenderize.

    For this recipe, use any BBQ sauce you'd like but don't spend too much. I'd go for the cheap brand =)


  3. Another question Amy.. The marinade that is used for day 1.. Do you use all that or do you save some of it for day 2? Thanks again!

  4. All =) There is also other liquids that you use in addition to the marinade, but those are listed separate to the marinade under ingredients. Good luck!

  5. hi amy,

    i made this 2 nights ago for my family, with mixed greens and your sesame soy dressing. my family absolutely loved it. my mom even wanted me to make more of the dressing so i can bottle it up for her.... thanks so much for posting up your recipes. i've always enjoyed all of them!

  6. Thanks so much for the feedback! =)

  7. hi Amy -

    i can't wait to try this, but i HATE and i do mean HATE bbq sauce - can you think of a substitute?
